All You Need To Know About Parotid Cancer and Its Types

P arotid cancer is a cancer which attacks the tissues of the glands of the mouth. Mostly this cancer starts from the parotid gland by effecting tissues of it. Parotid cancer is further classified into 3 grades that are low, medium, and high. Some most dangerous salivary gland cancers are Adenocarcinomas, Adenoid cystic carcinoma, Malignant mixed tumors, etc. More about these tumors of parotid cancer are explained below. Adenocarcinomas : - Adenocarcinomas describe cancers that develop in the cells of the gland. They can be both low grade and high grade, but most of these cancers are of low grade, and the patient can recover soon. Some of the salivary gland adenocarcinomas are Polymorphous low-grade adenocarcinoma (PLGA), Acinic cell carcinoma, Mucoepidermoid carcinoma Adenoid cystic carcinoma : - The speed of growth of adenoid cystic carcinoma tumor in the human body is quite slow and it mostly falls in the category of low grade. But one should not think that the par...