Symptoms of Facial Nerve Cancer and Treatment Procedure

Facial nerve cancer, also known as facial nerve schwannoma or facial nerve neuroma, is a rare condition characterized by the growth of tumors on or around the facial nerve. The facial nerve, also called the seventh cranial nerve, is responsible for controlling the muscles of facial expression and transmitting taste sensations from the front two-thirds of the tongue. When cancer affects this nerve, it can lead to various symptoms that can impact facial function and quality of life. Understanding the symptoms and treatment options for facial nerve cancer is essential for early detection and effective management of the condition. Symptoms of Facial Nerve Cancer Facial weakness or paralysis is the first and one of the common symptoms. Patients will notice the development of weakness or paralysis on one side of the face. This can manifest as drooping of the mouth, inability to close the eye fully, and difficulty making facial expressions. Facial Pain or Numbness Some individuals wi...