
Showing posts from March, 2022

Symptoms and Treatment of Facial Nerve Cancer

The facial nerve regulates facial muscle function. Each person has two facial nerves, one on each side. From the brain to the muscles, the facial nerve travels a lengthy and complicated path. The facial nerve may be affected by malignancies in some cases. Facial Nerve Cancer can be caused by tumors that grow from the nerve itself or tumors that are pushing or invading the nerve from surrounding places. Facial weakness or paralysis may occur in both cases. Tumours that develop from the facial nerve directly are uncommon.  There are a variety of cancers that can originate near the facial nerve and eventually affect it. The nerve can be affected by both benign and malignant tumors. Skin malignancies, parotid gland tumors, and skull tumours are just a few instances. Tumour treatment is determined by the type of tumour, whether it is cancerous or benign, its size, location, other affected areas, and the patient's overall health. Surgery, stereotactic radiation, and observation may be p...

What You Need To Know About Facial Cancer

Facial Nerve- Of the 12 cranial nerves the facial nerve is the seventh nerve.Its runs through the head and neck area and serves two functions- motor and sensory. That is, it is responsible for some of the taste sensations as well as for producing certain facial expressions.Both sides of the face have a facial nerve running through them. Facial Nerve Cancer - Cancer is the uncontrolled growth or division of cells anywhere in the body. Cancer related to the facial nerve is rare but is being researched for more and more in order to avoid future prevalence. The tumor can arise either directly from the nerve itself or due to a malignant tumor in the neighbouring contents. The latter includes skin cancer, cancer of the parotid gland or any mucosal cancer, although rare. Diagnosis and clinical symptoms- The patient might present with any or all of the following symptoms- • Facial Weakness • Facial Paralysis (Partial or complete) • Hearing loss • Balance loss • Local pain These are a...

The Ultimate Guide to Parotid Tumor Surgery

The superficial lobe and the deep lobe are the two lobes of parotid tumor surgery . A superficial parotidectomy is a procedure that removes a tumor from the superficial lobe. A total parotidectomy is a surgery that removes a tumor from the deep lobe — or both the deep and superficial lobes. The facial nerve separates the two lobes. Because the facial nerve is close by, treating parotid gland cancers necessitates extreme accuracy on the side of your surgical team. The facial nerve is in charge of closing your eyes, raising your brows, and smiling. The salivary gland system is made up of the following structures, which are important to know when learning about parotid tumors: 1. Glands of the Parotid 2. Glands of the Submandibular Bone 3. Glands beneath the tongue 4. Secondary Accessory Glands Minor Salivary Glands The behavior of parotid gland tumors can be divided into two categories: benign and malignant. Benign tumors are non-aggressive cell growths that develop as a result o...