
Showing posts from April, 2022

What Happens When One Cuts Facial Nerve

Facial nerve damage may result in facial muscle twitching, weakness or paralysis. The signs and the symptoms of facial nerve damage may include watering of the eye on the affected side, inability to close the eye completely on the affected side, leading to dryness and different others. There are different basic approaches of facial nerve repair like direct nerve repair, cable nerve grafting, or nerve substitution. Direct nerve repair is the preferred option whenever possible and performed by removing the diseased or affected portion of the nerve. Later, the reconnecting process of the two nerve ends is done. For the successful procedure to cut facial nerve , the most crucial thing is to search for the top clinic or a hospital, where world-class facilities are provided. You will find a number of top clinics or hospitals that are offering you such precise solutions. Go online and you will find a number of top names in this domain providing you with world-class solutions. Alpha Surgical G

What Are The Signs Of Facial Nerve Cancer?

If you are facing the following issues, you must be aware as they can be the chances of facial nerve cancer or tumor. • Slow development of a facial weakness over a period of weeks • Facial twitching or hearing loss • Tinnitus may be present that depends on the location of the tumor • Dizziness or balance problems and recurring one sided facial weakness that gets better and then returns. There may be some other signs too that may increase the chances of such tumor. In case, you are facing any of the aforementioned signs, you are advised to consult with your doctor and after a certain tests or checkup process; he/she may recommend you the right treatment procedure. For this, you need to search for the top clinic or a hospital, where experts are working and recommending you world-class treatment procedure along with surgical solutions. For the treatment of facial never cancer, you have to schedule an appointment according to your requirement. Go online and search for the top cli

What Is Facial Reanimation?

For many persons with parotid gland tumours, surgery by a head and neck surgeon is the most effective treatment. This technique is known as a parotidectomy. Parotidectomy and Facelift are connected with each other. Theparotid gland has two lobes: the superficial lobe and the deep lobe. A superficial parotidectomy occurs when a tumour in the superficial lobe is removed. A total parotidectomy is a procedure that removes a tumour from both the deep and superficial lobes of the parotid gland. Due to the close proximity of the facial nerve, treating parotid gland tumours needs extraordinary precision on the part of the surgical team. The facial nerve controls their capacity to close their eyes, lift their brows, and smile. It's crucial to maintain the facial nerve intact when removing a parotid gland tumour. The facial nerve is routinely found and protected during a parotidectomy. The tumour, or the surgical therapy required to remove it, could, however, injure the nerve. The loss of f