Parotidectomy and Facelift – Crucial Surgical Procedure for the Removal of Parotid Gland

Parotidectomy is required, when tumor has formed in the parotid gland. These types of tumors are noncancerous and may turn into cancerous tumor too. Both types typically need removed. Benign tumors may need to be removed because they can grow bigger and damage surrounding tissues. You should also know that certain types of benign tumors can transform into salivary gland cancer. Malignant tumors are dangerous as may damage surrounding tissues and can potentially metastasize. When cancer metastasizes, cells break off from the original tumor and spread to other parts of your body through the bloodstream or lymphatic system. Cancer in your parotid gland may spread to nearby lymph nodes in your neck. As soon as cancer reaches the lymph nodes, it may travel to other body parts too. Parotidectomy and facelift may also required to get done in case patient has infection in the parotid glands or if they have salivary gland stones – the calcium deposit that can build up in your parotid glands – b...