What’s The Difference Between A Parotidectomy And A Facelift Procedure?

The Parotidectomy and facelift are two different surgical procedures that focus on different concerns in the neck and face area. It has been identified that both of these procedures have some similarities as it involves facial area surgery, but they differ based on different purposes.

Understand the differences between Parotidectomy and facelift

A doctor recommends the Parotidectomy surgical procedure to remove the parotid gland. A facelift is a cosmetic surgery recommended to improve the appearance of the neck and face by tightening the tissues, muscles, and skin.

The Parotidectomy surgical procedure alleviates symptoms linked with a diseased gland or removes a tumor. This procedure is involved for medical reasons. The facelift procedure addresses deep creases, sagging skin, and wrinkles in the neck and lower face, which is done through a cosmetic procedure.

Parotidectomy is performed through different techniques, including endoscopic surgery, traditional open surgery, or a combination. On the other hand, facelifts are combined with other cosmetic procedures like eyelid surgery or brow lifts.

During the Parotidectomy, the incision is hidden behind the natural creases of the face or the ear. On the contrary, facelift incisions are made behind and in front of the ear, as well as along the hairline. Thus, you must contact your doctor to determine whether Parotidectomy and facelift suit you.

Both parotidectomy and facelift procedures are associated with potential complications and certain risks. A qualified surgeon can help you determine the right course of action for your goals and needs.


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