How Long Does It Take To Recover From Parotid Tumor Surgery?

A parotidectomy and facelift is the surgical removal of the parotid gland. Typically, this procedure will be performed by a head and neck surgeon.

Each patient recovers from parotidectomy at a different pace. Many patients can begin walking and mild exercise a couple of weeks after surgery. Several days after surgery, most patients have difficulty chewing and swallowing. Usually, this should heal within three to four months after trauma to the facial nerve tumor. Ice packs applied to the surgical wound help reduce swelling for 4-5 days following surgery. You should consult the surgeon if you are experiencing any numbness in the frontal part of the operated ear.

The procedure of parotidectomy is performed.

There are two lobes of the parotid gland: the superficial lobe and the deep lobe. There are two kinds of parotidectomy: shallow and deep.

Superficial Parotidectomy: Surgery that removes a skin tumor from the superficial lobe.

Total parotidectomy: Removing the entire deep lobe or both the deep and superficial lobes of the mouth.

What kind of risk after surgery

If there is a cure, there are also some complications that arise as well for individual patients. Here are the difficulties you may have felt after the surgery.

Raise their eyebrows 

Close their eyes 


Various infections

Bleeding under the skin

Excessive sweating around the ears, especially when eating, is Frey syndrome.

Salivary leakage

Some patients experience lessening of ear numbness with time.

The asymmetry of the face is related to the amount of gland removed and the thinness of the patient.


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