What Are The Symptoms Of Salivary Gland Tumor?

Sometime, some medical complexities become bigger and you know about them when they have crossed the normal life. Salivary gland tumor is one of them and you may feel the symptoms like:

A lump on the face, neck or mouth that is usually painless

Numbness in the face

Inability to move some facial muscles, especially if the muscle on 1 side of the face stops moving

Affected area slowly expands

Pain or swelling in the face, chin, jawbone area or neck.

Salivary gland tumor increases slowly and it may feel like a lump or swelling in your mouth, cheek, jaw or neck. Pain in your mouth, cheek, jaw, ear or neck that doesn’t go away is common sign of this tumor.

There are also some other signs as you may also notice a difference between the size and/or shape of the left and right sides of your face or neck. Not to mention the possibility of numbness in part of your face can be another sign of salivary gland tumor.

In case of such symptoms, you need to consult with experienced doctors. Rather than spending time in sharing problems with others, you are advised to search for a clinic nearby or go online. You will find Alpha Surgical Group the right and reliable source providing you with the right solutions. You have to make a contact as per your requirement, go through the details and schedule an appointment.


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