Everything about Facial Nerves (Cancer)

The facial nerve regulates facial muscle function. Each person has two facial nerves, one on each side. From the brain to the muscles, the facial nerve travels a lengthy and complicated path. In some situations, tumors can impair the facial nerve. This can be caused by tumors that grow from the nerve itself or tumors that are pushing or invading the nerve from surrounding places. In both circumstances, facial weakness or paralysis may ensue.

Facial nerve tumors are rather uncommon, with facial nerve schwannomas being the most prevalent. These are tumors that develop from Schwann cells, which are the supporting cells of all neurons and can be found along the whole length of any nerve in the body.

The parotid glands are removed during a parotidectomy with a facelift incision:

Because of the type of incision and the reconstructive method employed, patients who undergo a parotidectomy typically notice a difference in their look.

A facelift incision parotidectomy is a comprehensive operation that combines our head and neck and plastic surgeons' expertise to safely remove parotid gland tumors with minimal scarring.

Your surgeon will do a facelift with an incision that runs behind the ear rather than down the neck, resulting in a more hidden incision. After the tumor is removed, dermal fat grafts (fat retrieved from the abdomen or a muscle flap) are utilized to restore the symmetry of the face, ensuring that your appearance is kept.

Tumor treatment is determined by the type of tumor, whether it is cancerous or benign, its size, location, other affected areas, and the patient's overall health. Surgery, stereotactic radiation, and observation may be possibilities for benign tumors emerging from the facial nerve itself, such as schwannomas and hemangiomas. Treatment, particularly surgery, is frequently determined by the degree of facial paralysis. In most situations, the facial nerve must be cut during surgery to remove the tumor.


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